Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work?

Easy! First, secure a terrific deal by buying author-direct from Lars. Then download the zip file(s). To start reading, just double-tap the EPUB file, or email the MOBI file to your Kindle address. Enjoy!

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Are these physical or digital copies?

We offer ebook, paperback, hardcover, and soon audiobook (where applicable) options for each title. For ebooks, we provide both EPUB and MOBI files, so you can read on any modern digital device, including Kindle and Kindle apps.

Is there sex or language?

NO! All my books are clean. There is minimal violence and if the books were movies (hopefully someday!) they'd be PG.

Should I read the books in order?

It's recommended, but we've had readers jump into the middle of the series and commented on how easy it was to pick up the characters and story.

Is there a guarantee?

Absolutely. If you're unhappy for any reason, we're happy to offer a full refund within 30 days of purchase. And you'll be able to keep digital books. Physical books must be returned in order to receive a refund. Cami takes all the risk, so you can shop with confidence.